Knudson Foundation Grants
Foundation Grants
Grants up to $20k
Grants are by invitation only. The Board of Directors identifies organizations we would like to assist in the calendar year. In mid-summer the Foundation sends an invitation to an organization offering to consider them for a grant.

How it Works
The Foundation Grant Process
Step one
In mid-summer or early fall, the Board will send an invitation to submit a grant application to the non-profit. The non-profit should complete the application form on this website.
Step two
In October, if more information is needed, the Board will contact the non-profit for the additional information. In some cases, the Board may request the opportunity to visit the non-profit and discuss the grant application.
Step three
In late November or early December the Board considers all applications that have provided the necessary information and determines which grants will be funded. A check for the grant will be sent to the non-profit by before the end of the calendar year. An application may be only funded in part. All grant approvals are solely in the discretion of the Board and final, not subject to appeal. Depending on the size of the grant, the non-profit need not provide any further documentation for the use of the grant.

Frequently Asked Questions

Folks we’ve helped
Recent Grant Recipients
Click here for a complete list of 2022 and 2023 recipients of BEKF grants and scholarships.
Ready to apply for a grant?
If you’ve received an invitation code from the Barbara Emily Knudson Foundation, you are eligible to apply for a grant. Just fill out and submit our Grant Application.