Building Bridges & Ladders
The Foundation provides grants and scholarships to Oregon 501(c)(3) organizations and community colleges.

The Barbara Emily Knudson Charitable Foundation originated from the estate planning goals established by Mrs. Knudson as a continuation of her long history of philanthropic giving.
Our Mission
The Barbara Emily Knudson Foundation supports individuals in their quest for education, well-being and excellence.
The Barbara Emily Knudson Foundation (“the Foundation”) is a small charitable foundation managed by its Board of Directors. The Foundation does not have any paid administrative staff so contact with the Foundation needs to be through its website.

About Us
The Barbara Emily Knudson Foundation is dedicated to helping those Oregon 501(c)(3) charities. The Foundation pre-selects the charities and only invite those non-profits to submit an application. Unsolicited grant requests are not considered.

The Foundation scholarship policy is to focus on Oregon community colleges. The Foundation currently provides a $5000 per year scholarship to seven Oregon Community Colleges: Central Oregon, Clatsop, Columbia Gorge, Lane, Linn-Benton, Umpqua, Southwest Oregon community colleges. The Foundation looks to assist the non-traditional student such as a single parent, first generation attendee or displaced worker. The Foundation tries to award scholarships to a student in the last year of their community college studies but does include those students intending to continue their scholastic careers.

The Barbara Emily Knudson Foundation provides grants up to about $20,000 in December of each year. Through out the year, we provide smaller grants of $1000 to $2000. Grants are only made to non-profits the Foundation has pre-screened for each year.
Do good things
Helping non-profits achieve their charitable intent
The Foundation paints from a diverse pallet to meet its mission. In summary, we hope to “do good things” with the bequest Barbara provided.